Medic West Africa & Medlab West Africa is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC


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How can you be more sustainable as a visitor?

Below is what you as a visitor at Medlab West Africa can do to help us run the event responsibily and inspire others through innovation and sustainability.

Be aware of what waste you are generating. Reduce where possible and use the provided recycling bins

No printed badges – we are going paperless. You need to register online to get your digital badge (viewable on your smart phone)

Ask exhibiting companies about the sustainability credentials of their business and products

Be a part of our community.Take part in our initiative of being sustainable and play a role in helping our markets improve its own sustainability.

Skip printed business cards. Let exhibitors scan your digital badge for contact info. Reduce your paper output by switching to digital alternatives like using the QR codes available throughout the venue.

Reduce your carbon foot print by making use of the public transport to and from the event.